I was shown a simple useful model a few years ago that i often try to apply in these situations to steer the group towards - for want of a better term - Good Attitude.
There are 2 axes ...
x: apathetic (lazy, directionless) through to goal-oriented (motivated, productive)
y: empathetic (friendly, encouraging) through to hostile (sarcastic, arrogant, cold, cynical, pessimist)
... each representing a dimension of behaviour as a continuum.
We end up with 4 areas, quadrants ...
- empathetic & goal-oriented
- empathetic & apathetic
- hostile & goal-oriented
- hostile & apathetic
Some (extreme stereotype) examples:
- Delivery driven but impatient - project managers sometimes (goal driven/hostile)
- The cynic - What's the point? It won't work. (apathetic/hostile)
- The friendly joker - everybody loves him (empathetic/doesn't deliver)
- The positive, friendly, engaged solution seeker. (That's you, right?)
Easier said than done, i know.